Loot Crates

Collection options

Small Dino Box

Spawns 3 Dinos with 50 Points in Health and 50 points in melee from teh list below:
Anky, Argy, Arthro, Baryonyx, Toad, Carbo, Daedon, Direbear, Doed, Equus, Gigantopith, Kapro, Mantis, Megalo, Moschops, Ovis, Pela, Parasaur, Kangaroo, Ptero, Purlovia, Raptor, Sarco, Stego, Tappy, Terror Bird, Thyla, Trike, Rhino, Bulbdog, Deino, Desmo, Ferox, Maewing, Mole Rat, Sino, Owl, Tek Para, Tek Raptor, Tek Stego, Tek Trike, Velo, Tek Anky


10000 tokens

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Large Dino Box

Spawns 3 Dinos with 50 Points in Health and 50 points in melee from teh list below:
Allo, Carno, GGiga, Mammoth, Megatherium, Paracer, Quetz, Rex, Golem, Spino, Therizino, Yuty, Carcha, Amarg, Andrew, Crystal Wyvern, Fire Wyvern, Lightning Wyvern, Poison Wyvern, Griffin, Ice Golem, Crab, Magmasaur, Mana, Rock Drake, Sshadowmane, Ice Griffin, Tek Giga, Tek Quetz, Tek Griffin, Tek Rex, Voidwurm


15000 tokens

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Water Dino Box

Spawns 2 Dinos with 50 Points in Health and 50 points in melee from teh list below:
Tek Squid, Tek Mosa, Megalodon, Mosa, Tuso, Manta, Dolphin, Basilo, Baryonyx, Kapro, Sarco, Dunky, Plesio, Liopleurodon, Eel, Xipha


15000 tokens

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Saddle BP Box

Spawns 3 Random Saddle BPS


10000 tokens

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BP Box

Spawns 2 Random BPS from the list below:
Flak Bps, Riot Bps, Fabi Sniper, Comp Bow, Pump Shotgun, Harpoon, Whip, Flamthrower, Mining Drill, Metal Shield, Riot Shield, Club, Longneck, Crossbow, Pick, Hatchet, Sickle, Sword, Pike, Chainsaw, Fabi Pistol, Prim Pistol, Prim Shotgun, Slingshot, Assault Rifle, Wooden Bow


10000 tokens

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When do I get it?

Your order is delivered automatically when you are online. This usually takes less than 1 minute. You're notified in-game about the status.

I'm not online right now

The delivery system will wait for your to come online. You have 7 days to pick up your order.